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OAT Bucharest

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We had the chance to visit Bucharest for one week thanks to our On Arrival Training. The 6 days that we spent with all the other volunteers from 10 different countries and our 2 lovely trainers were very impactful, useful and interesting helping us to understand better our purpose here and the Romanian culture.

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All activities were so constructive for us because in the begining we did the tasks without really knowing why but later when we discussed between each other what happened, what were the solutions or learning points, we could see the meanings and lessons behind everything. Every day we enjoyed to the fullest and had so much fun.

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Thanks to the sessions, we learned a lot about conflict management, our responsabilities, the opportunities in front of us and especially one activity brought us to walk around Bucharest, see beautiful places, talk to the local people and see their point of view on important topics. #gallery-62-39 { margin: auto; } #gallery-62-39 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-62-39 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-62-39 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

For this time period the wide international environment that we were in provided us with the chance to explore the big variety of cultural differences between all of us and to learn a lot from each other and our countries.

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We created friendships which we believe are going to continue long after these 6 days. For us every friendship is a new door for adventures and visiting new exciting places around Romania.


“OAT was a spectacular experience, not so much for the weather because some days it was -16º, but rather for the friends that we met there. I felt like at home because there were a lot of Spanish people and also there were two Portuguese who spoke really good Spanish. This experience was really important for learning more about EVS, rights and responsibilities, insurance, Romanian culture, etc… But the most important things was learning about the process of  EVS, the volunteer life cycle (emotions, feelings…), conflicts and how to solve them. We were really lucky because the trainer had a lot of experience, sending and hosting EVS, and she shared with us real situations”     ~ Ivan


“The week in Bucharest for the On Arrival Training was definitely a different experience from the usual ones.

There were many activities from which some were very useful for our EVS project. Knowing new volunteers was really interesting because we shared our experience in Romania.”              ~ Davide

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“These 6 days in Bucharest were very interesting and informative to really understand the meaning and purpose of EVS projects. I enjoyed a lot the many interactive, productive and funny activities. It was a special experience for me from which true friendships were born.        ~ Tanya

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“This training was very useful to understand our rights and responsabilities about our EVS project and also the organisations behind it. In every sessions I understood and I learnt, thanks to the interaction with the other volunteers, a lot about myself and teamwork.  I met volunteers from different countries and it was an amazing week with them !”                                                                                  ~ Adeline

So looking forward to …

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