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Adeline ‘s Memories #6

In July I came back to Romania after my holiday in France. I traveled a lot, I saw how other volunteers worked and I participated in a training for our EVS project.


After France, Italian volunteers from the association “Bambini in Romania” came to our foundation for 2 weeks. They prepared activities for all the children from the 2 houses. It was interesting to see how they worked with them despite the language barrier.

Then I traveled on the Transfagarasan road with other volunteers from Valcea. We went to Barajul Vidraru, then to the Balea waterfall and finally we arrived to the lake of Balea. For the final destination I think that the temperature was not more than 15°C, it was so cold for the summer ! But on all that road you could see the beauty of the Romanian moutains ! So amazing !

After this trip, my collegues and me, we went to Brasov for the MTM : Mid-Term Meeting. This training is only for the projects longer than 6 months. We had wonderful trainers. They managed for all the sessions to make us understand our learning process by exchanging ideas, experiences and advice ! We spoke about what we did, what we are in the present and what we want to do for the next months. It was really helpful for me because I found my personal project thanks to this training.

In the second day we had an outside activity. In a group of 3 we needed to ask Romanian people what do they think about volunteering. So we met a group and I was so surprised by their answers (In the OAT we did the same and the answers were very negative). They said that for them it’s really a good experience and it changes their life.


After this training I finished the month with a last trip in Sighisoara ! My friends and me, we arrived for the medieval fest. It was really nice to finish July with this colorful city !

Again Romania showed me how beautiful is it !


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