Adeline’s Memories #4

This is the fourth month in Romania and we always discover new things and new places. For me it’s started to be a little complicated to be far away from my family and my friends but I really enjoyed all the moments.

At the beginning of the month we went again to Bulgaria. But this time we didn’t take the ferry, so we arrived to the hometown of Taniyana : Omurtag. It’s a little town in northeast of Bulgaria. I tried the typical breakfast there and after we moved to Kipilovo for the weekend. This village is very old but very green and it’s in the middle of moutains. This place is so natural with all the trees.
Davide, Ivàn and Taniyana started to climb a moutain. At first I tried to follow them but in one moment my fear of heights obliged me to stop. I really wanted to push my limits of my fear and thanks to Taniyana, who helped me a lot, I climbed to the top. I was very satisfied because the view was so amazing !!! ❤

After this trip we went to Varna, a city on the Black Sea. It was my first time to be in this place. We ate on a boat just in front of the sea, it was so nice !
Lidia, the president of the foundation, invited us to a workshop of Biodance with all the staff from the foundation. Three women from Italy came in Romania to show us what is Biodance and what is the purpose of it. We had 2 lessons, the first one they explained the story about this special dance. The goal is to reconnect to ourselves by dancing with different types of music and to be more confident by doing different exercices. For example one exercice was to express ourself with the music as we wanted. Another one was to “open our door” and to mime what we find behind this door. It was very interesting to see my evolution but also the evolution of the educators. It improved communication between each other.
This month was the last one to work in the school so with Taniyana we decided to present our countries. One week for Bulgaria and one week for France. For my country I spoke about food and especially strange food that we eat. After my presentation I made activties with the children : Dance workshop and French flag craft. At the end I gave a piece of a traditional cake in my region : “Le Far Breton”. They really liked it !
At the end of this month my friend Anne-Sophie came to visit me in Romania. We visited the Cascada Lotrișor in the National Park of Cozia with 2 others friends who come from France too. Then with my friend we started our trip in Romania. First we visited the monastery in the very beautyful little city of Sinaia. When we arrived to Brașov, we found one guide who explained to us the story of the city and the main monuments for almost 2 hours and a half. After this walking tour we ate in a typical Romanian restaurant where the waiters wore traditional clothes. We ate like queens !
It was just the beginning of this trip with my friend. Let’s see the next month for the end of my holiday with her !
