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IPI is looking for two volunteers from Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, France, Lithuania or Greece

The ”Inimă pentru Inimă” Foundation  is standing for the cause of child since 1997, by supporting the vulnerable children and youth with housing, caring, nursing, by providing them educational opportunities and by helping with the integration in a familial structure.

European Voluntary Service project ”#DIY – Develop and Involve Yourself” involves 6 volunteers from different countries included France, Spain, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Italy and Greece. It will last 9 months during this year, 2018 , between 01.04.2018 – 31.10.2018. From 1st of February 2018 we have already 4 volunteers from Italy, Bulgaria, Italy and France, which are working with us until the end of October 2018. More about them and their activities you may find at the following links:

We need two more volunteers, to join us!

If you are from one of the six countries (France, Spain, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Italy and Greece) we are waiting your CV/letter of motivation at

What’s EVS...

European Voluntary Service (EVS) is the European Commission's project that allows a young person (17-30 years) to become a volunteer in another country for a specified period, normally between 2-12 months. The service activities can be, for example, in the field of environment, arts and culture, activities with children, young people or the elderly, heritage or sports and leisure activities. Each project has minimum three partners, a volunteer, a sending organisation and a host organisation.

Our experience

Our organisation has already experience with hosting volunteers, because we hosted hundreds of volunteers from Europe since 1999 and other 6 volunteers since 2010, during European Voluntary Service projects.

The aims of the project:

  • Increasing the tolerance and solidarity among people, in order to develop a more chesive and aware society;

  • Providing for children from the community support in their personal development and non-formal education programmes;

  • Helping the volunteers with their self-discovering process and their personal development, by involving them in a learning by doing process;

  • Encouraging the intercultural learning by promoting the interaction between youngsters having different cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds.

Description of activities

The activities will involve art activities like painting, crafts, music and theatre workshops, but also animation activities and games, sport, outdoors activities and language courses using non-formal education method.

The six volunteers (with our support) will also plan, organize and implement:

  • Promotional events for raising awareness in the community about the importance of volunteering in creating a more inclusive and united society;

  • Events for youth to inform about the Erasmus+ programme;

  • Fundraising events;

  • Participating in the weekly ”Monday meeting” in order to discuss the events of the previous week and to plan the activities of the following one with the supervisor;

  • Give the contribution to the project’s blog;

  • Create ”personal projects”.

Time arrangement of the program: 30 hours/week, free week-end, 2 free day/every month of service.

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