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Fundația ”Inimă pentru Inimă”: Schimb de tineri - Wisla, Polonia în perioada 12-21 iulie 2017

”Independent thinking for better understanding”

KA1 Youth Exchange

12th July – 21th July 2017 (including 2 days of travel)

Wisła, Poland

NGO – Fundacja Dobry Rozwoj

The exchange will allow participants to develop their critical and independent thinking regarding challenges of modern world such as responsible consumption, climate changes, refugees and multicultural societies - in the context of United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. Mutual learning and working in international groups will also help to build among young people attitudes of tolerance, regardless of country of origin or religion.

Main aims of the youth exchange are as following:

- to gain knowledge and deeper understanding about issues relating to responsible consumption, climate change, refugees and multi-cultural societies;

- to gain understanding of connections and linkages between the above. issues, so that young people will perceive problems and global challenges in a holistic way;

- to develop the skills of critical and independent thinking among young people;

- to make them aware of their own influence on the world (both globally and locally);

- to promote tolerance and respect for human rights, regardless of country of origin or religion.

This project is funded with the support of the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus program.

”Gândire independentă pentru o înțelegere mai bună”

KA1 – schimb de tineri

12 iulie – 21 iulie 2017 (două zile de călătorie)

Wisla, Polonia

Organizator: Fundația ”Dobry Rozwoj”

Schimbul de tineri a permis participanților să își dezvolte gândirea critică și independentă privind provocările lumii moderne cum ar fi consum repsonsabil, schimbări climatice, refugiați și societăți multiculturale – în contextul obiectivelor de dezvoltare sustenabilă ale O.N.U.

Acest proiect este finanțat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene prin programul Erasmus plus.

What was Youth Exchange Erasmus + for me?

This Youth Exchange had an other taste.

I was in Poland, in a beautiful mountain resort called Wisła. My stubborn Romanian team, Mariana, Lili and Alexandru made my dream come true: they succeded in not losing me on the way. Tough job. My luck could have been my sociable skills, but unfortunately Polish people don’t speak english. So, after getting lost in the airport and then in Krakow city I still didn’t learn my lesson: I went to find the former president palace in Wisła, completly forgetting about the fact that I didn’t have a smartphone or a friend with me. Who could say I was the team leader? I wasn’t. I think I learned something about what it means to be a leader and what it means to create a team. Probably my team created me by the end of this experience. I knew nothing, I always had to deal with problems. For sure, one of the most beautiful things I enjoyed was to discover every person from Romanian team. It was funny and tasty.

Relating to the Youth Exchange I think it is always hard to connect with the others, especialy if they are many. I used my knowledge in books to know my roommate, a Bulgarian girl and two Portuguese, some sport skills to have a comunication with Lithuania team and also a Bulgarian boy and nothing in particular when it comes for the others. As a little opinion about all these nationalities I can say that Greeks always try to have fun, Bulgarians are almost similar in their behavior and in their looking with Romanians, Polish are nationalists, Portuguese are kind, Lithuanians are good and Italians are also nice people. And all these people were suffering for their country, caring about its future. This thing I found amazing. I also made an idea of how are the conditions of living in these countries and what kind of problems they deal with.

What did I learn? I learned a lot from every day courses. Subjects like ”Global warming”, ”Fair Trade”, ”Responsible consumption”, ”Immigrants and Refugees” gave me an other perspective and of course made me aware of how important our choises are. I also learned different things about the culture of other countries through tasting their food, seeing their traditional costumes, dancing their dances on their music and even learning some of their basic words.

You can’t lose a thing from such an experience!

Ștefania – group leader

Ce a fost acest proiect pentru mine?

Aceasta experienta a avut un altfel de gust.

Am fost in Polonia intr-o frumoasa statiune montana numita Wisła. Incapatanata mea echipa romana, Mariana, Lili si Alexandru mi-au facut visul realitate: ei au reusit sa nu ma piarda pe drum. Grea treaba. Norocul meu ar fi putut sa fie abilitatea mea de a socializa, insa din nefericire polonezii nu vorbesc engleza. Asa ca, dupa ce m-am pierdut in aeroport si apoi in orasul Cracovia tot nu mi-am invatat lectia: am mers sa caut palatul fostului presedinte in Wisła, uitand complet ca nu am un telefon destept sau un prieten cu mine. Cine ar putea sa spuna ca am fost liderul echipei? Nu am fost. Cred ca am invatat cate ceva despre ce inseamna sa fii un lider si ce inseamna sa creezi o echipa. Probabil echipa mea m-a creat pe mine pana la sfarsitul acestei experiente. Nu stiam nimic, tot timpul treabuia sa ma descurc cu problemele. Cu siguranta, unul dintre cele mai frumoase lucruri de care m-am bucurat a fost sa descopar fiecare persoana din echipa romana. A fost amuzant si delicios.

În ceea ce privește proiectul la care am participat, cred ca este intodeauna dificil sa te conectezi cu ceilalti, mai ales daca ei sunt multi. Mi-am folosit cunostintele in materie de carti ca sa-mi cunosc colega de camera, o fata bulgara, si doi portughezi, ceva abilitati sportive ca sa am o comunicare cu echipa din Lituania si de asemenea un bulgar si nimic in mod special cand vine vorba de ceilalti. Ca o mica parere despre aceste nationalitati pot spune ca grecii tot timpul cauta sa se distreze, bulgarii sunt aproape similari cu romanii la comportament si la aspectul fizic, polonezii sunt nationalisti, portughezii sunt buni la suflet, lituanienii sunt buni, italienii sunt de asemenea de treaba. Si toti acesti oameni sufereau pentru tara lor, pasandu-le de viitorul ei. Acest lucru l-am gasit incredibil. Iarasi mi-am facut o idee despre conditiile de viata ale acestor tari si cu ce fel de probleme se confrunta.

Ce am invatat? Am invatat mult din cursurile de fiece zi. Subiecte precum ”Incalzirea Globala”, ”Comertul Cinstit”, ”Consum responsabil”, ”Imigranti si Refugiati” mi-au dat o alta perspectiva si bineinteles m-au facut constienta de cat de importante sunt alegerile noastre. De asemenea am invatat despre cultura acestor tari prin gustarea mancarii lor, vazutul costumelor lor traditionale, dansand dansurile lor pe muzica lor si chiar invatand cateva cuvinte de baza.

Nu poti pierde nimic dintr-o astfel de experienta!

Ștefania – lider de grup

Acest proiect este finanțat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene prin programul Erasmus plus.

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