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Help us to have "A safe house for everyone"!

The mission from which our organization has not deviated in all its years of existence, to give every child a home and a family, remains the essential point of our activity even in difficult times.

Campaign run by the "Inimă pentru Inimă" Foundation with the support of the "Bursa Benelui" Platform

The mission from which our organization has not deviated in over 22 years of its existence, to give every child a home and a family, remains the essential point of our activity even in these difficult times when we are affected by the Covid-19 virus. We are concerned about the safety of the 32 children in the three family-type houses of the foundation in Râmnicu Vâlcea and Ocnele Mari. We are concerned about keeping our workers and collaborators safe so that we can ensure continuity of care, education and support for the children and beneficiary families.We are also mobilizing to help the people most affected by the pandemic, the elderly (over 65 years old) identified with the support of social workers from 3 communities of Valcea county.

The purpose of the campaign

Emergency support granted to vulnerable groups affected by the Covid-19 virus pandemic.

Support granted to children from vulnerable groups to ensure the continuity of the educational assistance provided by the school

To whom do I donate?- children under a protective measure from the "Heart for Heart" Foundation;- families at risk, in the context of the pandemic;- elderly people in difficulty identified with the support of social workers- medical offices and hospital wards- institutions involved in the fight against the coronavirus pandemicWhy should I donate?

Because there is an acute need for protective materials (disinfectant, masks, gloves) and personal hygiene materials both at the level of vulnerable people and at the level of workers in socio-medical services (overalls, visors).

To facilitate access to education for children from vulnerable groups (children affected by poverty, institutionalized children) who do not have digital resources - internet, tablets, computers.

How do I donate?

The first step

Press the "Donate" button next to the project supported on the "bursa binelei" donation platform supported by the "Heart for Heart" Foundation, which you can see below:

Step two

Fill in the data in the "Donate" window. You need to fill in your first and last name, an email address and the amount you are donating. Check the box that you agree to the terms and conditions. After completing and pressing the "Donate" button, you will be directed to the website, the donation operator of the Bursa Binelui platform, to complete the donation.

Here you must enter:

- card number as provided by the issuing bank;

- the month and year of card expiration follows;

- the security code found on the back of the card;

- the name as written on the card.

Press the "Pay online" button and wait for the payment confirmation message to be displayed.

Important: The card must be activated for online transactions. The information can be found at the issuing bank.

You did it! Thank you for being with us!



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