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European Voluntary Service

We promote volunteering among young people, aiming to develop projects for young Romanians and foreigners, aged between 16 and 30, who are willing to volunteer experience in another country, in social, cultural or environmental activities. The duration of a volunteer internship can be between two and twelve months.

Volunteers must not have previous professional experience. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.  intercultural and a minimum of knowledge of a language of international circulation.

"Inima pentru Inima" Foundation is accredited for the implementation of projects within the European Voluntary Service, having the possibility to carry them out as a host organization, referral and coordinator.


The EVV accreditation number is 2017-1-RO01-KA110-037052.

Develop and involve Yourself

Develop and involve Yourself

Project developed within ERASMUS+, KA1 (mobility projects), European Voluntary Service. Coordinated by the "Inima pentru Inima" Foundation which hosted 6 SEV volunteers from France, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and Lithuania

Grow up together

Grow up together

Project carried out within the European Voluntary Service, whose promoter is the "Bambini in Romania" Association from Milano, Italy. This project involved the presence of three Italian volunteers in Ramnicu Valcea, for a period of 11 months, who carried out various activities

Grow up together - second chance

Grow up together - second chance

Successive project, also carried in collaboration with "Bambini in Romania" Association, Milano, Italy. Three new Italian volunteers participated to the continuation of the SEV project currently in implemented

Operational Headquarter: General Magheru no. 8  Rm. Vâlcea, Romania

Tel. +40 250 736307     Mobile: +40 722 291605

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