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Socialization and Socio-Professional Reintegration Center    Goranu - Rm.Valcea   "Raffaella Cottage"

The Center for Socialization and Socio-Professional Reintegration has been operating since 2002 and came to the aid of young people who had reached the age of 18 and had to leave the child protection system. The costs for the purchase of the property and the co-financing of the program were provided by our partner, the "Bambini in Romania" Association from Milan, Italy. It is a structure with a capacity of 10 seats, consisting of two buildings consisting of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, kitchen, office and annexes The land on which the building is located has an area of about 700 square meters .


Within the social program, a small tailoring workshop was arranged and handicrafts were made, a space for occupational therapy activities, equipped with work tables, sewing machines, etc.


The Center for Socialization and Socio-Professional Reintegration aims to ensure the necessary conditions for an independent life of children in the protection system  of Valcea county. Within the social assistance service, the activities carried out have in view the achievement of the project objectives, being carried out in partnership with its beneficiary.


From September 2002 until now, the beneficiaries of the social center have been a number of 158 children / young people separated from their parents or at risk of separation, coming from low-income families or from the institutionalization system of Valcea County.


Operational Headquarter: General Magheru no. 8  Rm. Vâlcea, Romania

Tel. +40 250 736307     Mobile: +40 722 291605

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