Ocnele Mari Day care center for elderly people
Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020
Priority Axis 4: Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty
Investment priority 9.ii Socio-economic integration of marginalized communities, such as the Roma
Specific objective 4.4 Reducing the number of people belonging to vulnerable groups by providing social / medical / socio-professional / vocational training services appropriate to specific needs
Contract: POCU / 436/4/4/126814
I. The legal framework for setting up, organizing and functioning
(1) The social service “Day center for the elderly” operates in compliance with the provisions of the general framework for the organization and functioning of social services regulated by Law no. 292/2011, with subsequent amendments, Law no. 17/2000, with subsequent amendments and completions, Government Decision no. 886/2000, MMJS Order no. 29/2019 - Annex 6, Government Decision 967/2012 as well as other secondary normative acts applicable to the field.
(2) The minimum quality standard applicable to the social service “Day center for the elderly” is provided in Annex 6 - Minimum quality standards for social services provided in the community, organized as day centers for adults, at MMPS Order no. 29/2019 on the approval of the Minimum Quality Standards for the accreditation of social services for the elderly, homeless, young people who have left the child protection system and other categories of adults in difficulty, as well as for services provided in the community, services provided in integrated system and social canteens.
(3) The social service “Day center for the elderly” is established by the Decision of the Board of Directors of the “Heart for the Heart” Foundation no. 1 / 30.08.2019 and functions as the organizational structure within the “Heart for the Heart” Foundation.
The social service "Day Center for the Elderly" is established and administered by the social services provider of the "Heart for the Heart" Foundation, accredited according to the Accreditation Certificate Series AF Nr. 000757, CUI 9658795, having its headquarters in place. Ocnele Mari, str. Strandului no. 1, Valcea county.
(4) The purpose of the social service The Day Center for the Elderly is to provide full-time social services for the elderly. The Day Center for the Elderly will function as a day center for assistance and recovery, with the mission of preventing social exclusion or marginalization of the elderly who at some point may be in a situation of difficulty, loneliness, abandonment, lack psycho-social support (situations of dependence and / or at risk of social exclusion) by providing during the day some activities of social-medical care, emotional support, psychological and social counseling, but also activities of socialization, recreation and spending time free.
Within the day center, services related to social and medical services will be provided: physiotherapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy services, as well as techniques of polysensory stimulation in order to activate and maintain outstanding skills and residual memory of elderly people diagnosed with dementia.
II. General data on the provision of social services
Types of social services and facilities offered
The main functions of the social service "Day Center for the Elderly" are the following:
a) for the provision of social services of general / local public interest, by ensuring the following activities:
1. represents the social services provider in the contract concluded with the beneficiary;
2. evaluates the economic-social and medical situation of the person, identifies his needs;
3. evaluates and monitors the application of the social assistance measures from which the person benefits from the social service records, as well as the observance of his / her rights;
4. providing during the day some activities of social-medical care, emotional support, psychological and social counseling, but also activities of socialization, recreation and leisure;
5. providing services related to social and medical services: physiotherapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy services, as well as techniques of polysensory stimulation in order to activate and maintain outstanding skills and residual memory of elderly people diagnosed with dementia.
b) to inform the beneficiaries, potential beneficiaries, public authorities and the general public about its field of activity, by ensuring the following activities:
1. provides counseling and information on social issues;
2. ensures the information of the general public regarding the field of activity on the web page of the social services provider and through the media;
3. ensures the relationship with various public services or other institutions with responsibilities in the field of social protection;
4. ensures communication activities with the public as well as those regarding the information of the beneficiaries with all the data and information, the organization and functioning of the social service;
c) to promote the rights of the beneficiaries and their positive image, to promote human rights in general, as well as to prevent situations of difficulty in which vulnerable categories belonging to the category of beneficiaries may enter, according to its purpose, by providing the following activities:
1. Proposes the granting of social assistance rights to the elderly;
2. provides specialized consultancy in the field of social assistance .;
3. collaborates with other responsible institutions to facilitate people's access to these rights;
d) to ensure the quality of social services by carrying out the following activities:
1. elaboration of standardized tools used in the service provision process;
2. conducting periodic evaluations of the services provided;
3. preparation of activity reports and action plans;
4. application of supplied questionnaires evaluation of the services of the beneficiaries of social services.
e) managing the financial, material and human resources of the center by carrying out the following activities:
B. Beneficiary contribution
Beneficiaries of the social service "Day Center for the Elderly" will not pay a contribution for the provision of services.
The functioning of the social service is ensured through the project REAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR A BETTER LIFE - POCU / 436/4/4/126814.
Admission requirements
Beneficiaries of social services
The beneficiaries of the social services provided by the "Day Center for the Elderly" are elderly people, who at some point may be in a situation of difficulty, loneliness, abandonment, lack of psycho-social support (situations of dependence and / or in risk of social exclusion).
a) The conditions for accessing the social services provided by the "Day Center for the Elderly" are the following:
- the applicants (or their legal representatives) will submit for the preparation of the access file to the day center services the following documents:
~ request for services;
~ copies of the applicant's identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, if applicable;
~ medical documents regarding the state of health;
~ copy of pension coupon;
~ social survey on assessment of the elderly person's need.
The provision of social services is made on the basis of a contract, concluded between the social service provider and the beneficiary, which stipulates the services provided, the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the financing conditions. After concluding the contract, a copy is handed to the beneficiary and a copy remains in his file. The model of the contract is the one approved by order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection.
b) eligibility criteria of the beneficiaries:
~ the beneficiaries are elderly persons as defined in the normative acts in force (art. 6, letter Bb of Law 292/2011 on social assistance, art. 1, paragraph 4 of Law 17/2000 on social assistance for the elderly), in a situation of difficulty, loneliness, abandonment, lack of psycho-social support (situations of dependence and / or at risk of social exclusion).
Conditions for terminating the provision of services at home:
~ at the request of the beneficiary or his legal representative;
~ by the decision of the service provider;
~ by agreement of the parties;
~ deces;
~ hospitalization in a medical or social unit;
~ change of the beneficiary's domicile in another locality;
~ if the beneficiary does not comply with the contractual provisions;
~ if the beneficiary or family no longer wants these services;
In case of force majeure.
The organizational structure
The social service will work with a number of 8 people:
project manager / center coordinator;
- social worker: 1 person;
- geriatrician / with geriatrics skills;
- psychologist: 1 pers .;
- nurse: 1 person;
- physiotherapist: 1 person;
- driver: 1 pers.
For the services provided in the day center for dependent elderly people, the employee / beneficiary ratio is ¼, and specialized personnel represent up to 80% of the total social service staff.
"Day Care Center for the Elderly" operating program:
Opening hours: 08 - 16.00 from Monday to Friday
HEADQUARTERS: Ocnele Mari, str. Strandului no. 1, Valcea County
PHONE / FAX: 0250.736307
Contact person: Dima Cristian, project manager, 0737516336
On 30.11.2021, a number of 53 elderly people benefited from the services of the Day Center.