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Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020

Priority axis 1 – "Jobs for young people" initiative

Thematic objective 8: Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labor mobility

Investment priority 8.ii: Sustainable integration into the labor market of young people (ILMT), especially those without a job, education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalized communities, including by implementing the "youth guarantee"

Project title: Real opportunities for young NEETs

Contract: POCU/991/1/3/154119


GT RECRUITMENT ANNOUNCEMENT – “Real opportunities for young Neets”


JULY 15, 2022


The recruitment process of the target group within the project "Real opportunities for young NEETs" has begun.

The target group of the project will be formed by 371 people belonging to the category of young unemployed NEETs aged between 16-29 years old, who have domicile or residence in the counties of Valcea, Olt, Gorj, in rural or urban areas, registered and profiled in advance by to SPO Valcea, Olt or Gorj and fall into one of the employability categories A, B, C and D.

From the total of 371 unemployed young NEETs who will be enrolled in the Target Group for participation in the project activities, at least 75 young people will have their domicile / residence in rural areas in the counties of Valcea, Olt or Gorj and at least 38 people will be of Roma ethnicity from the same counties.

From the point of view of the degree of employability, the structure of the Target Group will be divided between the 4 categories, of which 30% of young NEETs will have employability levels C and D, respectively "difficult to employ" and "very difficult to employ".

The people selected in the target group of the project will have the obligation to participate in the activities carried out within the project.

Submission of requests to participate in the project's activities will be carried out according to the "first come, first served" principle. Registration will be possible both through the information events held within the project and through the applicant's wwb

       To enroll in GT, interested persons will submit an application file in electronic/physical format, which will be sent to the email address related to the project - or submitted in person at the applicant's office in Rm. Valcea, strada General Magheru no. 8, bl. S1, sc. C, ap. 17, Valcea county.


  The application file will contain all the necessary documents to establish the eligibility of the candidate:

~ copy of the identity card (CI);

~ copy of birth certificate;

~ copy of marriage certificate (if applicable);

~ copy of the last diploma obtained (if applicable);

~ supporting documents for being a NEET youth (issued by the competent authority);

~ Statement of belonging to the target group;

~ Declaration of consent regarding the use of personal data;

~ Self-responsible declaration regarding the avoidance of double funding regarding previous non-participation in similar programs;

~ Self-responsibility declaration regarding belonging to the Roma ethnic minority (where applicable).

All statements can be downloaded, "Real chances for young NEETs" project, "Forms" section.

After validating the electronic file, if this is the registration form, the candidate will be asked to send the file in physical format to the headquarters of the applicant or the partner who validated the registration. Candidates declared admitted will be notified by email or phone and announced weekly on the applicant's websites.



Contact person,

Tamas Florin

GT selection and maintenance expert

Phone: 0772293692








Circeag Iulia Andrea

NEETs information and communication expert

Operational Headquarter: General Magheru no. 8  Rm. Vâlcea, Romania

Tel. +40 250 736307     Mobile: +40 722 291605

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