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"Real chances for young NEETs"   Project


A1. Information and promotion among young NEETS in order to be registered and profiled by the SPO, respectively their selection and maintenance in order to be included in the target group of the project

A1.1 Organization and running of an information and promotion campaign among NEETS young people in order to register and profile/selection and inclusion in the target group of the project

The development of an information and promotion campaign is being considered in order to identify people aged between 16 and 29 who are not employed and do not follow any form of education or training.

The information and promotion campaign aims to make potential members of the WG aware of the importance of professional training, of participation in FPC programs, of the benefits and support offered by the project, in an attempt to mobilize them to develop their professional life through continuous learning and participation active on the job market.

The information and promotion campaign will include at least 8 online or face-to-face actions to inform and raise awareness among young NEETs about the project's actions and benefits. The face-to-face sessions will take place following the previous publicity made by posting announcements and posters in various locations of interest: mayors and headquarters of AJOFM and other public institutions of interest from the 3 counties involved. These meetings will have in mind the efficiency of the selection process and registration of the target group, representing the direct contact with the target group of the implementation experts. These events will take place in each implementing county, and for the promotion and publicity of these meetings, partnerships with the town halls and other public authorities in the concerned counties will be considered. In addition, the online campaigns will be disseminated through social media, the project website and online advertisements.

In the framework of the information and promotion campaign, which aims to make potential members of the WG aware of the benefits and support offered by the project, informational content will be disseminated regarding the principles related to Social Innovation, the FSE Secondary Themes and the POCU Horizontal Themes.



A1.2 Selection and maintenance of the target group within the project

371 unemployed NEETS young people between the ages of 16-29 will be selected, with domicile/residence in the SV Oltenia development region - VL, GJ, OT county, registered and profiled in advance by the SPO, of which: minimum 38 people belonging to the Roma minority and 75 people from the countryside. Depending on the employability level, 30% of young NEETs with employability levels C and D, respectively "hardly employable" and "very hard to employ", will be selected. The selection of GT members will be carried out through the administrative validation of the fulfillment of the minimum mandatory criteria established by the CS Guide, for the registered persons, in the order of completing the available places.

Candidates declared admitted will be notified by email or phone and announced weekly through bulletin boards, on the websites of the applicant and partners, on Facebook. The evaluation of candidates will be done objectively, respecting the concepts of equal opportunities and regardless of sex, religion, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, language, social category, beliefs, gender, age, disability, non-contagious chronic disease, HIV infection or belonging to a disadvantaged category.


A2. Support for participation in VET programs through integrated and flexible measures


A2.1 Organization and development of professional training programs for adults, including the granting of subsidies

In the framework of the project, through P2 and P3, which are accredited professional training providers, there will be initiation courses, level 2 professional qualification, as well as courses for obtaining non-formal skills.

 The introductory courses are intended for a number of 60 people (5 groups) who will be trained for a total period of 60 hours. The level 2 professional qualification courses are intended for a group of 112 people (8 groups), who will be trained for a total period of 360 hours. The professional training programs will take place in the field of construction (mason, construction finisher, mosaicist, plumber), in beautification (hairdresser, manicurist, hairdresser), in the service field (ceramic molder, green space worker, trade worker, worker in growing animals, waiter), in  light industry (textile product confectioner, mechanical worker), in the ICT field (data processing, input and validation operator).

 Also, an entrepreneurial training course will be organized, intended for easily employable people. The duration of the course will be 40 hours (22 hours of theory, 18 hours of practice).

The courses on obtaining non-formal skills are intended for a number of 112 people (8 groups) who will be trained for a total period of 20 hours, with specializations in team work skills and personal development - basic skills. The courses followed are adapted to the needs of the labor market and the current economic context.

To encourage attendance at the course, each participant will be provided with catering services. As a complementary measure of support, the active involvement of the 186 trainees will be encouraged by granting subsidies whose amount is 5 lei/hour. The subsidy will be calculated according to the duration covered within the programs, being conditioned by the attendance of the theoretical and practical courses and the participation in the final evaluation exam.





A3. Provision of specialized labor mediation services to stimulate employment


A3.1 Organization and performance of labor mediation services

Sub-activity A3.1 has a continuous character and will consist of carrying out concrete actions with the objective of employing a minimum of 160 people from the target group.

The mediation activity with a view to placement on the labor market will benefit from the continuous support offered by these experts. They will manage a number of 371 participating people, having the following responsibilities: - Informing people from the target group about mediation and placement activities on the labor market; the exchange of information regarding the applicant and his request; - Centralization of participants' options regarding the availability of time to participate in preparatory meetings related to placement activities; - Preparation of personal professional portfolios that will be developed later with the support of the responsible experts; verification of presented documents; entering the identification data of the person in the computer program; - registration of the person in the Register of evidence of persons looking for a job; listing the request for registration in the record for mediation for employment and the form for registering the person looking for a job - Preparing the mediation calendar and scheduling people for the mediation sessions; - Informing people about the schedule of meetings with the responsible experts; - Communication with the people from the target group throughout the duration of the mediation programs, so as to ensure attendance at meetings with employers, job fairs and interviews, according to the schedules arranged by the responsible experts.

In this sense, through these services, potential employers from the three counties will be identified and meetings will be set up with them, during which the benefits of employment and placement in apprenticeships will be presented to people from the target group. Also, they will search daily for jobs offered by various employers from VL, OT, GJ counties, their main sources of identification being the following: - Online platforms for jobs and announcements; - Periodical printed publications; - Job fairs; - the lists of available jobs made available by the competent authorities.


A4. Supporting entrepreneurship, including self-employment


A4.1 Organization and development of the support activity granted to people from the GT for the establishment of businesses (advice/consultancy/mentoring/entrepreneurial professional training, support for the development of the business plan, analysis and selection of viable business plans, support in the establishment of the company)

The entrepreneurial training course will be supported by experts employed at P1, which is an accredited training provider for the Entrepreneurial Skills course and will comply with the provisions of OG 129/2000. The duration of the CA course will be 40 hours, (22 hours theory, 18 hours practice). It addresses a number of 14 NEETs, easily employable. In the program we will include topics related to sustainable development, equal opportunities and social innovation. The course will be structured on 8 topics, each with a theoretical and a practical component, these being: 1. The concept of entrepreneurship, 2. Competences of the entrepreneur, 3. Competencies of the entrepreneur, 4. Business plan, 5. Strategy, 6. Strategy of marketing, 7. Human Resources Management, 8. Financial Plan. During the course, the participants will be trained in order to develop the business plan.


A4.2. Granting of subsidies (micro-grants) for the establishment of new businesses and their monitoring during the project period

Within this sub-activity, as Administrator of the entrepreneurship scheme, we will undertake the necessary steps for the effective payment of the de minimis aid to the beneficiaries selected following the business plan competition.

Beneficiaries will be permanently informed about the rules for the use of non-refundable financing and we will permanently ensure that the amounts received in the project account are used in accordance with the approved Budget of the Business Plan. Financial support for entrepreneurial initiatives will be granted following business plan contests, resulting from entrepreneurial training programs. Each newly created start-up will have the obligation to report monthly the performance indicators related to the operation of the business (contracts, customers, suppliers, employees) and the expenses incurred from the non-refundable financing received, according to the business plan. The subsidy for an approved business plan is 123,737.5 lei/company. For the subsidy granted, it is mandatory to employ at least 1 person in the supported business. The established businesses will operate for a minimum of 12 months during the implementation of the project, to which is added a sustainability period of at least 6 months. The sustainability period implies the continuation of the business operation, including the obligation to maintain the occupied workplace and will be monitored during the implementation of the project.


A5. Supporting young NEETs in professional integration through accompanying activities


A 5.1 Kindergarten and afterschool services provided to people in the care of members of the target group

Within this sub-activity, this type of service will be offered for approximately 40 people who belong to the category "hard to employ" and "very difficult to employ" and who during the project activities do not have the possibility to leave their children in someone's care. In this sense, afterschools or nurseries will be sought in the area where the children will be enrolled and the fee related to the number of months required will be paid.

These activities given to children in parallel with professional training activities and work mediation activities to stimulate employment are aimed at supporting people from the target group in order to participate in Vocational Training courses, creating new jobs and maintaining them in activities professionals identified during the implementation of the project.


A5. project management


A5.1 Project management

Project management is a transversal activity, carried out throughout the project and includes planning, coordination, monitoring, internal evaluation, technical reporting, financial reporting, procurement procedures - under the conditions of efficient use of human, material and financial resources. Its purpose is to ensure a correct, appropriate and optimal implementation, respecting the assumed principles, especially the cost/efficiency one, and last but not least aiming at the achievement of all the assumed indicators.




A6. Transversal activities related to indirect expenses

A6.1 Transversal activities related to indirect expenses

Planning, coordination, monitoring, internal evaluation, technical and financial reporting: conducting work meetings; carrying out financial and accounting activities; making payment documents; the realization of the methodologies and working procedures necessary for the implementation of the project; ensuring the quality of the project by making periodic progress reports and adjusting the possible processes where necessary; preparation and submission of pre-financing, payment and reimbursement applications; preparation of   notifications and additional necessary documents; evaluation of the implementation stage of the project, control and monitoring of activities; making technical and financial reports; deliverables management; maintaining communication with interested parties.

A6.1 will be a continuous, transversal activity throughout the duration of the project.

Operational Headquarter: General Magheru no. 8  Rm. Vâlcea, Romania

Tel. +40 250 736307     Mobile: +40 722 291605

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