Socialization and Socio-Professional Reintegration Center Copacelu Rm.Valcea "Greenhouse Cottage"
Family-type residential center, intended for children separated from their parents or at risk of separation, coming from families at risk or from the institutionalization system in Valcea County.
The Copacelu Socialization Center has as general mission, the provision or access of children at social risk, for a determined period of accommodation, care, education and training, in order to integrate / reintegrate into the natural and / or extended family. This center has an important role to play in finding solutions for the social and school future of children.
The project of the Copacelu Socialization Center includes two main components: the residential component and the family integration / reintegration component, which aims at the integration / reintegration of children in the natural and / or extended family (especially of children in the protection system.